Both Lucky and Red mentioned helmets recently, and it reminded me of something I go through every spring: The search for the perfect helmet. Currently I have a basic black no-frills Bieffe full-face as my cold weather/long distance helmet, and an even more basic M2R half helmet as my around-town lid. I'm not crazy about the M2R, I bought it because it was the cheapest thing in the shop at the time, and the Bieffe has seen better days (especially after I loaned it to Adam when we went kart racing, and he chucked it across the room during a shouting match with an official regarding "excessive contact".) The problem is twofold: I can't decide on a style (I don't like the lack of protection half helmets offer my oh-so-pretty face, but I feel claustrophobic in full-face helmets) and two, I'm cheap (have you seen the prices on some of these things?!?) But, here are the ones currently being considered:

Simpson Outlaw Bandit
-Probably my favorite as far as looks go, the main drawback is price: $400+ for one of these. Needless to say, that's not gonna happen. However, it is the closest I can get to the coolest helmet of all time:
-Another alternative I found lately are Craft Helmets, which have the look of the Outlaw, and are offered in more finishes:
Craft RX-6

Craft RXX-3
-These are a little more reasonable, at around $250 apiece. Still a bit pricey for me, and I like to try helmets on before buying, and they are almost impossible to find in the states (apparently they are big in Europe, but anyone willing to ship to the USA wants almost $100 shipping).

KBC Wolf
-The KBC Wolf is another contender, especially since you can find them for around a hundred bucks since they are being closed out. The main problem is that I like the "Black Chrome" finish the most, and of course that one is impossible to find. Also, I would have to buy a mirrored visor for it, so that's another $40. The sad thing is I used to have one of these - my parents won one as a door prize at a bike show and gave it to me. I had several newer helmets at the time and needed the cash, so I sold it on eBay.

Nolan N42
-The Nolan N42 is the only open-face model I've come across that is in the running. It's decent looking, and the separate tinted visor is a nice touch - it could solve the problem I have with the glasses/contacts issue (I don't have prescription sunglasses, so if I know I'm going to be on the bike all day I'll wear contacts, but I don't care for them.) I have goggles that fit over my glasses, but they tend to fog up and look stupid. (I'm due for an eye exam, maybe I'll just spring for a set of prescription goggles and be done with it).
The likely conclusion is that I won't buy any of these, unless I get an amazing tax return or find a killer deal somewhere. Anyone who has any experience/opinions with any of these of any others you think I'd like, speak up...