Saturday, March 11, 2006

Real Life is a Drag

Hey guys -

Sorry for the lack of content lately. Unfortunately I have had some health issues develop in the past week that have been pretty distracting - I'm getting checked out on Monday. On top of that, my stepfather was injured on Saturday - he was headed home from bike week and stopped at a small piece of property my parents own in the mountains of Tennessee to do some cleanup work. He was throwing several bags of trash on the fire (S.O.P. in those parts - trash pickup isn't even available) and apparently there were some aerosol cans from last year in one of the bags that he didn't know about. They exploded, resulting in burns to his face and upper body. Everything has been a big game of phone tag at this point and we really don't know what the situation is yet. Mom & his father are headed down there. I will post updates as soon as I know anything, and any mojo that you can spare for my family is appreciated...

1 comment:

Surly said...

Wishing you all the best,man.