Saturday, November 11, 2006

Aint' No Smoggy Smoke On Rocky Top

Got my 35mm pics from vacation developed, and I had a few that I was pretty pleased with - I finally got to experiment with the 16mm lens I bought a while back, now I just have to learn to keep my damn hands out of the frame. It's interesting that even though digital cameras can rival the quality of film nowadays, the pictures I shoot with my 35mm camera have a distinctly different "feel" to them - I think it's because with my digital camera & a 1GB memory card I can store well over a thousand pictures, so I shoot pretty indiscriminately - this results in pictures that have much more of a "snapshot" quality (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). I think that this actually makes me a better shooter when I do use film, as I am much more deliberate with lens choice, composition, etc., when I finally do drag out the 35mm rig. I am seriously considering a digital SLR in the not-too-distant future, since they are rapidly approaching the "not-entirely-ridiculous" price range, and I won't have to get rid of all my glass. I wonder how it will affect my photography...

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