It's a Trek 7.2 FX. The only major additions so far are a Delta Post Haste seatpost rack & bag, Nashbar Rodeo pedals (clipless on one side, platform on the other) and the usual geegaws (bar ends, cyclocomputer, cages & bottles, etc). I'm meeting a guy tomorrow to pick up an unused Brooks B17 saddle I saw on Craigslist. Unfortunately, the trip I talked about earlier probably isn't gonna happen this year - money, time, & stamina are all in too short of supply. The plan now is to go on a few weekend touring trips this year, do GOBA next year, then see where we're at.
Otherwise, the wedding is a week from Saturday (that's the main reason I haven't posted lately - even though we're having a simple wedding and are both uber-organizers, there's still a million little details to arrange - we both kinda wish we had eloped at this point). After that's the honeymoon, so I'll see you in a couple of weeks...